د. شليويح العنزي


استشاري وأستاذ مشارك في الطب النفسي للأطفال والمراهقين، ورائد في المجال الأكاديمي والسريري. بخبرة طويلة داخل وخارج المملكة، يقود العديد من المبادرات والتطويرات في الصحة النفسية للأطفال والمراهقين.

Case Report of Childhood-Onset Psychosis in a Patient with a Known WNT10A Mutation

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To report on a patient with childhood-onset psychosis at age 12 with a known WNT10A mutation.

Case report.

The patient is a 12-year-old male who presented with an acute onset of psychosis in the context of a known WNT10A mutation.

WNT genes have only been previously linked to schizophrenia on a theoretical basis. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of an association between a childhood-onset psychosis and a WNT10A mutation. We conclude that there is a possibility that WNT10A may be one of the many genes contributing to the development of childhood-onset schizophrenia.

Keywords: childhood-onset, schizophrenia, WNT10A

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