د. شليويح العنزي


استشاري وأستاذ مشارك في الطب النفسي للأطفال والمراهقين، ورائد في المجال الأكاديمي والسريري. بخبرة طويلة داخل وخارج المملكة، يقود العديد من المبادرات والتطويرات في الصحة النفسية للأطفال والمراهقين.

Association between nocturia and anxiety in Parkinson’s disease

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The objective of the study was to determine whether there exists any relationship between nocturia and anxiety in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Although the exact cause of anxiety and nocturia in PD is unknown, we hypothesized that there is a relationship between these two PD symptoms. Anxiety may exacerbate nocturia or an opposite relationship may be present in which nocturia may result in heightened levels of anxiety.


Our study consisted of 314 PD patients, selected at random, and divided into groups based on the presence or absence of anxiety and nocturia. The occurrence of anxiety and nocturia was studied individually and collectively within these groups.


The study found a significant association between anxiety and nocturia primarily driven by all PD patients (P < 0.0001), with greater significance found for the male patients (P < 0.0001) than female patients (P = 0.021).


Based on these findings, we can conclude that anxiety and nocturia are not entirely independent symptoms in all PD patients. Thus, addressing anxiety may improve nocturia in PD or vice versa.

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